How I can help you

What is an agent of change without a game plan? Or an expert without curiosity?

It is often assumed that in order to become productive adults, we need to shed our youth, naivety and inexperience. But a growth process like this can only lead to one thing: rigidity.

Idealism and seniority are not counterparts. Rather, they are two sides of the same coin. They complement each other, like intuition and logic. Yin and Yang. Personal and Professional development. 

It is the combination of these worlds that leads to happiness and increasing possibilities. Unify your self with my services and become a Young Master in the Art of Life.

Transform your life

There are three ways in which I support you on your journey towards becoming a Young Master: through writing, coaching and training.


I was a creative child. Over the years, writing poems became my main vehicle for dealing with the tension between the love I have for this world and the constant normalization I have experienced from society. Recently, I have taken an interest in writing non-fiction books and journalistic articles. Immerse in my stories and refresh yourself. 


In my coaching practice, I guide individual men, teams and constellations. I support you in building a good relationship with your self, so you can build a good relationship with your environment. Both for individuals as well as teams, I focus on providing the right intervention techniques at the right time. Enabling you to realize personal as well as professional growth. 


Passing on the skills of life artistry brings me great joy. Working with groups is especially beneficial when people are open to not only learn from me but from each other as well. I provide trainings on how to create inclusion, increase intercultural communication skills, creative writing and deep democracy. And I offer workshops, for instance on masculinity.

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Over the years I have worked with many organizations. You can find a grasp of these clients, stages and writing platforms below:  

Code of Independence

I care deeply about maintaining a high quality of service. Which is why I have written a ‘Code of Independence’. This text is a declaration of independence and a behavioral code in one. For the full document, please click on the button below. 

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